【Y Group-009期】汕尾-汕头双汕之旅
2022-10-14 19:55:37    112    0    0

每场旅行的意义并不在于告诉别人“ 这里我来过”。而是旅途中发自内心的触动,包括你看到的景,遇到的人,体验的文化等等。这次跟随我们来一场关于汕头与汕尾的梦幻联动吧~

The meaning of each trip is not to tell someone "I've been here before". It is the deep touch from the bottom of your heart during the journey, including the scenery you saw, the people you met, the culture you experienced, and so on. Follow us this time for a dreamlike encounter between Shantou and Shanwei~


If you want to go to some niche places with beautiful scenery, Shantou and Shanwei maybe the best choices.


Speaking of Shanwei, when you go to Shanwei, you had better go to Jinding Bay. The Fengfan Auditorium is especially conspicuous by the sea and you feel just like you are on Jeju Island in South Korea. Just turning around, you can see the endless sea; Looking back, you can see the starry sky. The entire coastline of Jinding Bay is original, and the sandy beach is delicate and clean. There are sunsetglow, sunset, sea breeze, beach, starry sky... Everything in front of you will help you get rid of fatigue and let you relax yourself completely~


There is also a campsite called Pattaya by the sea where you can enjoy the fun of camping while feeling the sea breeze.


When you come to Shanwei, you need to experience the profound red culture. The most famous one is the Red Square of Haifeng and it is the first red cultural street in China and known as the "Oriental Red City".


In the evening, you can go to Tai cheung Restaurant for dinner. Here is also the filming location for Andy Lau's movie. This quaint seafood restaurant in Shanwei  is charming in its design throughout.


Speaking of Shantou, it is necessary for you to go to Shantou Small Park. Antique buildings are all over the street where you can experience the local culture. Navigate to Canxin Department Store, you can find the internet-famous site"Shantou".


The highlight of this trip is Nan'ao Island, which can satisfy all your fantasies about summer. Here are the blue sky and white clouds, the sunset and afterglow, the sea and the beach, the windmill and lighthouse, the coastal road and mobile coffee cart... The movie《only fools rush in》was shot here. The summer in Nan'ao Island is ardent and free, let's go together!

Pre: 【Y Group-010期】马峦山徒步

Next: 【Y Group-008期】海丰莲花山飞瓦寺

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