【Y Group-011期】韶关草原露营
2022-10-14 19:55:24    68    0    0

罗坑大草原是广东境内少有的草原轻奢露营地,不用前往内蒙古,便可感受到天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草地见牛羊的独特意境。罗坑大草原位于广东韶关罗坑镇,是中国十佳最美露营地Top 3,也是休闲露营的绝佳胜地。

Luokeng Prairie is one of few prairie campsite for glamping in Guangdong province. Instead of  going to the Inner Mongolia, you can feel the unique artistic conception in Luokeng: “The sky is a blue cast; The grass extends vest. Cattle and sheep appear out of grass at a blast." Luokeng Prairie is located in Luokeng town, Guangdong, which is the top three of the most beautiful campsites in China and it is also a great place for recreational camping.


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