【Y Group-008期】海丰莲花山飞瓦寺
2022-10-14 19:00:47    126    0    0


Lianhua Mountain is located in Haifeng County, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, with an altitude of 1337.3 meters. It is the highest peak among Huidong. It is also the best location to see the sunrise and the sea of clouds.

不入其境,不知其险,选择自驾要有一定的驾驶经验。崎岖山路十八弯,只为寻觅那片云海~ 山峦叠翠,高耸入云,极目远望,云海如海涛般翻滚于山间,站在登顶台,仿佛置身于仙境,四周云雾缭绕,远处的山坡在云海中若隐若现,无不感叹大自然的神奇魅力。

You won’t know the danger of this mountain without driving here and you must have some driving experience if you come here. We drive through eighteen curves attached together, just for finding the sea of clouds~ The hills are emerald, towering into the clouds. Gazing far into the distance, you can see the  cloud rolling in the mountains like sea waves. Standing on the summit, the scenery is so fantastic that it seems as if you are in a fairyland. The hillsides are looming in the sea of clouds, and we all sigh the magical charm of nature.


You can navigate to Feiwa Temple in Haifeng on the map, and drive from the foot of the mountain to Feiwa Temple. The mountain road is rugged and the slope is very high, but the scenery along the road is healing. You could stop to see different scenery at every turn from time to time while driving. There are reservoirs, waterfalls, forests and so on along the way, which put youself in the oxygen bar of nature.


You can drive to the Guanyin Temple in the middle of the mountain and it has a large place for parking. After simply eating vegetarian food at the temple, you can prepare to hike up to the mountain. It takes about 1-2 hours to reach the top from the middle of the mountain. The mountain road is steep and slippery. It is recommended to wear hiking shoes. The trail of hiking up to the mountain can be distinguished easily. There will be a branch during the hiking.The hiking line on the left is longer, while the slope on the right is steeper, but it is relatively faster to reach the top


Bamboo forests are densely covered along the way and the spectacular scenery after reaching the top makes all the fatigue dissipate. The half-mountain is misty, half is sunny. You can see the light in the haze. The spectacle of the sea of clouds makes our this trip worthwhile




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