Tag - Y Group-002期

Y Group-002期    2021-12-12 17:17:52    129    0    0



Goethe once said: "The reason why people love travel is not to arrive in destination, but to enjoy the fun on the journey." A trip, an encounter, which bring us a good memory. Every traveler does not know who he will meet, what is the scenery of the destination he will see, but when a group of interesting friends meets, they have given the trip significance.

本期我们Y Group推出活动的关键词是露营。何谓露营?露营是一种短时的户外生活方式,从繁忙的工作中抽离,吹着海风,听着音乐,看着群星闪耀的星空,和三两好友举杯畅聊,是多么惬意的生活!露营活动的起源可追溯到远古时期,当时人类的祖先只能在荒野中生存。后来各个时期的军队都采用了露营这一形式。在美国早期,西部开发者用树枝建造单坡棚居住或住在马车上,后来这些居所覆盖了帆布,成为绝佳的栖身之所。拓荒时代结束后,后期的狩猎运动和钓鱼旅游中,人们很自然地选择帐篷作为过夜的方式。后来露营所需的种种技能由一些青年组织保留了下来。那么这次活动我们就去美丽的海岛-三门岛感受一下两天一夜的露营生活吧!Let's go!

The keyword of the activity Y Group launched this time is camping. What is camping? Camping is a short-time outdoor lifestyle. Getting away from the busy work, you can feel the sea breeze, listen to music, watch the starry