2022-01-20 11:45:58    316    2    0

大家好,我是Sybil,欢迎关注Y Group.

很高兴我们能够相遇,Interesting souls finally will meet.


2022-02-14 19:24:23    125    0    0

很高兴我们能够相遇,Interesting souls finally will meet.


2022-10-14 21:28:28    111    0    0


When it comes to baseball, everyone must be familiar with it. Baseball is a popular sport in Europe and the United States, and young people in our country have also been taking part in this sport these days. This is a ball game featuring teamwork and confrontation. It needs comprehensive abilities such as running, jumping, pitching, catching, and hitting. Baseball game also requires sports skills and reflexes of the players. 


Baseball originated from the combination of cricket in the United Kingdom and the unique  game called rounders in the Boston area. At the beginning, no one gave a name to this mixed sport. With its development and improvement, this sport was finally named baseball. Baseball originated in the United Kingdom, bu

2022-10-14 19:55:24    68    0    0

罗坑大草原是广东境内少有的草原轻奢露营地,不用前往内蒙古,便可感受到天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草地见牛羊的独特意境。罗坑大草原位于广东韶关罗坑镇,是中国十佳最美露营地Top 3,也是休闲露营的绝佳胜地。

Luokeng Prairie is one of few prairie campsite for glamping in Guangdong province. Instead of  going to the Inner Mongolia, you can feel the unique artistic conception in Luokeng: “The sky is a blue cast; The grass extends vest. Cattle and sheep appear out of grass at a blast." Luokeng Prairie is located in Luokeng town, Guangdong, which is the top three of the most beautiful campsites in China and it is also a great place for recreational camping.


2022-10-14 19:55:40    77    0    0


Maluan Mountain is located in Pingshan district, Shenzhen, which has a classic hiking route for waterfall viewing, neighboring Sanzhoutian Reservoir (Yantian district) in the west,Kuichong town in the east and the Gold Coast of east Shenzhen in the south. It is a perfect place for hiking, mountain climbing and waterfall viewing.


Maluan Mountain is an integrated scenic zone with all of the beautiful scenery, which consists of mountains, sea, clouds, waterfalls and streams, just like a pastoral landscape painting. Walking by the steam and passing the quiet valley, you can see lush trees on both sides, listen to the sounds of birds and smell the fragrance of the flowers all around. With a rich variety of plants, Maluan Mountain has the best natural ecological environment in Pingshan distri

2022-10-14 19:55:37    112    0    0

每场旅行的意义并不在于告诉别人“ 这里我来过”。而是旅途中发自内心的触动,包括你看到的景,遇到的人,体验的文化等等。这次跟随我们来一场关于汕头与汕尾的梦幻联动吧~

The meaning of each trip is not to tell someone "I've been here before". It is the deep touch from the bottom of your heart during the journey, including the scenery you saw, the people you met, the culture you experienced, and so on. Follow us this time for a dreamlike encounter between Shantou and Shanwei~


If you want to go to some niche places with beautiful scenery, Shantou and Shanwei maybe the best choices.


Speaking of Shanwei, when you go to Shanwei, you had better go to Jinding Bay. The Fengfan Auditorium is especially conspicuous by the sea and you feel just like you are on Jeju Island in South Korea. Just turning around, you can see the endless sea; Looking back, you can see the starry sky. The entire coastline of Jinding Bay is original, an

2022-10-14 19:00:47    126    0    0


Lianhua Mountain is located in Haifeng County, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, with an altitude of 1337.3 meters. It is the highest peak among Huidong. It is also the best location to see the sunrise and the sea of clouds.

不入其境,不知其险,选择自驾要有一定的驾驶经验。崎岖山路十八弯,只为寻觅那片云海~ 山峦叠翠,高耸入云,极目远望,云海如海涛般翻滚于山间,站在登顶台,仿佛置身于仙境,四周云雾缭绕,远处的山坡在云海中若隐若现,无不感叹大自然的神奇魅力。

You won’t know the danger of this mountain without driving here and you must have some driving experience if you come here. We drive through eighteen curves attached together, just for finding the sea of clouds~ The hills are emerald, towering into the clouds. Gazing far into the distance, you can see the  cloud rolling in the mountains like sea waves. Standing on the summit, the scenery is so fantastic that it seems as if you are in a fairyland. The hillsides are looming in the sea of clouds, and we all sigh the magical charm of nature.


2022-06-06 10:29:53    87    0    0

忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。Y Group旅行本次主题为探索与放空~

Suddenly he came across a piece of peach woods which measured several hundred paces on both riverbanks. There were no other trees mixed within. Amidst was tender, appealing fragrant grass. Flower petals came showering down. The travel theme of Y Group this time is exploring and relaxing~


Our exploring destination this time is Taohuayuan in Qingyuan to experience a secluded life. Here, you can see a rural style of northen Guangdong. Taohuayuan is hidden in the lucid waters and lush mountains. It is a place of peace with mountains and lakes around. Taohua lake is named as" little Erhai lake " in Guangdong. It is currently the rising season of the lake, and the scenery will be more beautiful. Here belongs to karst landform, you can ramble over the scenic spot between beautiful hills and waters. The life you want  is wherever the h

2022-06-06 10:23:52    106    0    0


Heipaijiao is located in the Huidong area of Guangdong. Unlike Shuangyue Bay, Heipaijiao is a primitive and niche coastline. The reef is black, So it is called "Heipaijiao" by tour pals. Its geographical location is special, and there are spectacular waves crashing every day.Fish-shaped waves dash against the rocks from time to time, which can reach at several meters high.


The coastline is about 12 kilometers long, mainly on the beach, and there are full of surprises along the way. Reefs, seas, beaches, shells, crabs,etc., which can satisfy all your fantasies about the sea.


Most of the beaches in Heipaijiao are black, the seawater is like a huge mirror in the sun. The blue sky, white clouds and flying birds are reflected on the sea surface

2021-12-15 16:07:52    182    0    0

滴!丫丫来啦~本期我们的主题是草原轻奢露营,一起去感受天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草地见牛羊的独特意境。罗坑大草原位于广东韶关罗坑镇,是中国十佳最美露营地Top 3,也是休闲露营的绝佳胜地。

Di! 丫丫 is coming~Our theme of this trip is Glamping. Let's feel the unique artistic conception: “The sky is a blue cast; The grass extends vest. Cattle and sheep appear out of grass at a blast. Luokeng Prairie is located in Luokeng town, Guangdong, which is the top three of the most beautiful campsites in China and it is also a great place for recreational camping.


In Luokeng, you can see the blue sky and green grassland, meadow and sea of clouds, sunrise and sunset, as well as the starry sky. Stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, we can be immersed in nature to purify our impetuous heart. The air is filled with freshness of grass.Pricking up your ears, you can hear the insects in the grass chirping, which are playing the symphony of the autumn.

